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Nickers and Snorts
First Posted: Feb 17, 2011
Jan 21, 2020

Texting for Horse People

This came to me in an e-mail from one of my horse friends. The author was unknown.

OOH - Out of Hay
LAS - lost a shoe
BBM - Bastard just bit me
FOMHL - Fell Off My Horse Laughing
FTC - Forgot the carrots
MIHA - Mare's in heat, again
IPTI - I'll pick up tennis instead
LWW - Lesson went well
MSMBO - mud sucked my boot off
HSIH - Horse Snot in Hair
HAO - Hay All Over
HIMB - Hay in My Bra
PIHH - Poop Induced Half Halt
UD - Unplanned Dismount
PTTDG - Prayed to the Dirt God
MMM - Master Manure Mucker
OOM - Out of money
MHTS - More horses than sense
BAHHFDP - bought another horse husband filed divorce papers
GBBF - Got Board Bill, Fainted
GFBF - Got farrier bill, fainted
HRHCF - Husband realized horse costs, fainted
SLH - Smell like horse
DQFOY - Dressage Queen fell off - yipee!
HTNHFH - Hiding the new horse from hubby
WWFNS - Will work for new saddle
AROGC - Arena rained out - going crazy
SSB - Saddle sore butt
BTLGR - B###hy trainer left - good riddance
ALIGAR - At least I got a ribbon
NLT - No lesson today
HGR - Have a great ride

Nickers and Snorts